Marketing Visual Design: Infloww
In coordination with colleagues in Europe, Asia, and North America to create marketing visual designs for the company's CRM product, with the goal of advertising the product and achieving the desired number of affiliate within six months. In charge of managing social media posts, corporate identity design, commercial videos, branding, presentations, and web UI design to meet SEO content strategies.
為當時即將推出的數位產品做SEO行銷設計 (全程遠端與布達佩斯總公司及世界各地的數位行銷、銷售部門跨區合作)
1. 新產品行銷影片, motion graphic
2. 每日社群媒體內容設計 (Instagram,Twitter,Linkedin,TikTok 等平台的貼文,短影片reel,stories)
3. 平台 UI介面設計與網站及關鍵字優化
4. 公司企業形象設計 (包含名片, Linkedin, Twitter, IG版面編輯設計)
5. EXPO相關宣傳設計 ( 數位簡報及印刷品 )
Social Media contents design for Infloww
Web interface design for “Infloww for Creators” product